The Sacraments » Call to Ordination

Call to Ordination

The whole Church is a priestly people. Through Baptism all the faithful share in the priesthood of Christ. This participation is called the "common priesthood of the faithful." Based on this common priesthood and ordered to its service, there exists another participation in the mission of Christ: the ministry conferred by the sacrament of Holy Orders, where the task is to serve in the name and in the person of Christ in the midst of the community.

The ministerial priesthood differs in essence from the common priesthood of the faithful because it confers a sacred power for the service of the faithful. The ordained ministers exercise their service for the People of God by teaching , divine worship, and pastoral governance.Since the beginning, the ordained ministry has been conferred and exercised in three degrees: that of bishops, that of presbyters (priests), and that of deacons. 

The sacrament of Holy Orders is conferred by the laying on of hands followed by a solemn prayer of consecration asking God to grant the ordinand the graces of the Holy Spirit required for his ministry. Ordination imprints an indelible sacramental character.The Church confers the sacrament of Holy Orders only on baptized men whose suitability for the exercise of the ministry has been duly recognized. Church authority alone has the responsibility and right to call someone to receive the sacrament of Holy Orders.

In the Latin Church the sacrament of Holy Orders for the presbyterate (priesthood) is normally conferred only on candidates who are ready to embrace celibacy freely and who publicly manifest their intention of staying celibate for the love of God's kingdom and the service of (all people).  (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

More information:

  • For young men discerning a call to ordination, contact the pastor of your parish or mission or any priest for further information.

The Diocese currently has several seminarians studying for the priesthood at this time.

Click here to see pictures of the Diaconate Ordination of Sylvester Ibekwe who was ordained at ICC Parish in Kelowna.

Ordination to the Priesthood of Sylvester Ibekwe - October 13, 2015

Click here to see pictures of the Ordination to the Priesthood of Sylvester Ibekwe who was ordained at ICC Parish in Kelowna on October 13, 2015. 

Every priest, acting on behalf of the people, is to offer gifts and reparation for his own sins and those of the people.  One does not presume to take this honour, but accepts it only when called by God.  (Heb. 5: 1-4)

We must begin by purifying ourselves before purifying others; we must be instructed to be able to instruct, become light to illuminate, draw close to God to bring him close to others, be sanctified to sanctify, lead by the hand and counsel prudently. I know whose ministers we are, where we find ourselves and to where we strive. I know God's greatness and man's weakness, but also his potential. [Who then is the priest? He is] the defender of truth, who stands with angels, gives glory with archangels, causes sacrifices to rise to the altar on high, shares Christ's priesthood, refashions creation, restores it in God's image, recreates it for the world on high and, even greater, is divinized and divinizes.

(St. Gregory of Nazianzus)