Ministries » Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

Director of Youth Ministry: Fr. Ferdinand Bayarong


Summit…Youth Eucharistic Adoration

 The Catholic Youth of Kelowna Parishes gathered last November 24, 2024 at St Charles Garnier Parish for an evening of Adoration, Music, Reflection and Sacrament of Reconciliation.


Our Holy Father Pope Francis, set the Solemnity of Christ the King as the Celebration of Global Youth and Young Adult. With the theme “Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary (Is 40:31).  The Holy Father encourages the Youth with much Joy and Hope in the Lord. (Click to read the message)


Blessed Carlo Acutis… A Millennial Saint


Pope Francis sets the canonization of the First Millennial Saint, Blessed Carlo Acutis on the Jubilee of Teenagers which is taking place on April 25-27, 2025. Blessed Carlo Acutis is well known his deep devotion to the Catholic faith and his adept use of technology to share religious content. (Please read)



Youth Pilgrimage to Italy

As we prepare for Christmas, we are also preparing for the 2025 Jubilee or Holy Year. The Jubilee officially opens on December 24 with the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Pope France chose the motto “Pilgrims in Hope” for this Jubilee year. It is a time of great spiritual renewal. Pope Francis has encouraged us to celebrate the Jubilee and embrace its spiritual dimension.

With that in mind, the Diocese has approved a youth pilgrimage to Italy for the Jubilee of Youth sponsored by our diocesan Catholic Renewal Service. This pilgrimage is intended for youth (entering high school as of summer 2025) in our diocese (wherever they may be) and will include young adults and adult chaperones. Our pilgrimage is from July 23 to August 6. The group will travel to Assisi, Rome, Naples, and Sorrento, and there will be an option to wind down in the island of Capri.

We will experience the richness of our faith, pass through the 4 Holy Doors, and venerate the relics of many saints that have been preserved in basilicas in Italy. Our hope is that all the youth will grow in their faith, seek renewal, and come together in solidarity. If you are a youth or have a youth who may be interested in attending, please see the information on the bulletin board in the foyer or come see me.

(Note: 4 holy doors – St. Peter’s Basilica, Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, Basilica of St. Mary Major, Basilica of St. Paul Outside of the Walls)





Diocese of Nelson Youth Ministry

Fr. Ferdinand Bayarong

Youth Ministry Coordinator

For more information, please contact us:

Email: [email protected]

Tel Nos. 2504482725