Our Diocese » Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Our mission as the People of God here in the south-eastern corner of British Columbia is the same as for the People of God everywhere.  It is contained in the words of the prayer that Jesus gave us, the Our Father.


….the one whom Jesus called “Abba”, is the focus of our life, as it was for him.  We seek to make God the primary relationship in our lives.  Indeed, God – Creator, Incarnate Word, Spirit – is Relationship, loving, calling, helping.  It is this God who touches us in the Sacraments.

Our Father…
…not only personally, but together we have a relationship with God. And we want the light of our personal God-relationship to permeate our relationships with each other - in our families, in our peer groups, in service groups, in our work-world, and in with our larger world – our earth with all its creatures, and its activities.  

Hallowed be Your Name…
…hallowed, held holy - in prayer, praise and repentance, in right relationships with each other and our world… It is the fountain for our worship together in the liturgy, for our prayer in the silence of our hearts and in the midst our Christian community, for our taking time for programs of renewal, and retreats.  

Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth…
… the purpose for all that we do is God’s kingdom, God’s intent and desire, for each of us and all of us, and for our world. It is extending God’s reign through time, and in our diocesan corner of the world and beyond.  Indeed, extending it in our hearts, in our lives and our children’s lives, and among those who so desperately need God’s reign in their world. 

It is why we care for our brothers and sisters not yet born, and for those on the final mile of their journey, and for those whose journeys are heavy laden with hunger, poverty, and injustice.  

It is the root of our personal call to vocation – pursuing the Christian life and mission as a single person, religious woman, religious brother, or ordained priest or partnering with another in marriage and family life.  

It is the heritage that we have been given by our forebears in the faith in this diocese and in the church, and the heritage we will leave to our children for their children. That faith and zeal for God’s kingdom is the spring from which our education of children and adults flows.   

It is the reason we contribute, both financially, and with our time and energy, to the church, 

And we bring the gifts of our cultural backgrounds to our common faith and service, knowing the Spirit will weave us together as one, in Christ.

As you go, proclaim the good news, "The kingdom of heaven has come near. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without payment; give without payment.  
(Matthew 10: 7-8)


"Christ established and ever sustains here on earth his holy Church, the community of faith, hope, and charity, as a visible organization through which he communicates truth and grace to all to constitute "one complex reality which comes together from a human and a divine element."

(Catechism of the Catholic Church)