The Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil - from Breaking in the Habit
2:08 Advent in 2 Minutes - Busted Halo
Enjoy Advent for the season it is ... a special time of hope and expectant waiting, where we prepare ourselves, our homes and our hearts, the same way we would for a special guest. Only we're making ready to welcome the most treasured guest of all ...
Uploaded Dec 05, 2019 -
3:00 Lent in 3 Minutes - from Uploaded Feb 28, 2019
2:16 The Rosary in 2 Minutes from
Celebrate this month of Mary by offering a Rosary for her intentions, for peace in the world, for justice and the relief of poverty, for your priest or bishop, or for a special friend or family member. As we reflect on the mysteries - Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous - we PRAY the Bible. How better to ask God to bless us and others than to petition Jesus with the help of his mother!
Uploaded Oct 11, 2019 -
4:45 Sacraments 101 - How to Receive the Eucharist - from Busted Halo
Ever wonder why the person in the communion procession in front of you is taking a bow? Is it more appropriate to receive Jesus in the hand or on the tongue? Check out this short clip from
Uploaded Mar 07, 2019 -
10:28 Spiritual Conversation Method
Perhaps lost among the many preparation documents for the Synod on Synodality, was a proposed method for synodal gatherings - the Spiritual Conversation method. The method proposes a way of listening to the Holy Spirit and each other in a format where each can truly be heard. For parishes who didn't practice this way of gathering, it is a lost opportunity, a way of doing and being "Church" beyond the synod. Be encouraged to use this video to help your parish transform how we speak and listen to each other, from the heart, as People of God.
Uploaded Feb 15, 2023