Ministries » Secular Franciscan Fraternity

Secular Franciscan Fraternity

Secular Franciscan Order (OFS)

A vocation for men and women, married or single, who follow Jesus in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi.

If you are interested in the Franciscan spirituality and would like information on the Secular Franciscan vocation, please contact Minister Sandy Henderson at: 250-212-3596

Pax et Bonum


St. Peregrine Prayer Circle  

An Apostolate of, The Little Flowers of Saint Francis Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order.

St. Peregrine is recognized as the Patron Saint of Cancer Patients and Other illnesses.
St. Peregrine's Feast Day is celebrated on May 4.

If you have friends/family members with cancer or other illnesses we will add them to our list and pray for them & their family daily.  We meet once a month and pray together.
All are welcome to join us.  Also, once a month we offer Mass Intentions for the St. Peregrine prayer list

Christine Reeves, OFS 250-575-2043 or via email