Ministries » Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus


Vatican City, 10 October 2013 (VIS) – “I wish to express my gratitude for the unfailing support which your Order has always given to the works of the Holy See”, began the Holy Father's address to the Knights of Columbus, whom he received in audience this morning in the Sala Clementina of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, on the occasion of a meeting held by the Order in Rome. He thanked them for their prayers and witness of faith, and concern for brothers and sisters in need.

The Pope described the “Vicarius Christi Fund” as “an eloquent sign” of the Order's “solidarity with the Successor of Peter in his concern for the universal Church”, made manifest in its daily works. Finally, Pope Francis commended the order to the intercession of St. Joseph, “protector of the Holy Family of Nazareth … an admirable model of those manly virtues of quiet strength, integrity and fidelity which the Knights of Columbus are committed to preserving, cultivating and passing on to future generations of Catholic men”.


In the March 2013 issue of Columbia, the Knights of Columbus magazine, an article designed to meditate on Christ's journey to Calvary was included.  It was shared by one of the parishes for the benefit of all this Lent, and can be accessed here:

These remarks of the President of the Catholic Bishops Conference, summarizes who the Knights of Columbus are and what they contribute to the Reign of God in our world:

We are grateful to …the Knights of Columbus for their support of so many of our activities in the Canadian Church. You have made it possible for us (the Canadian Bishops Conference) to establish an office dedicated to the promotion and safeguarding of Life and Family. This office allows us to keep many related issues uppermost in people’s minds in our society.

We are also thankful for you encouragement and support of our ministry with the Canadian Aboriginal peoples. Your generosity has allowed us to intensify our activities in this work. There is much more for us to do in this area, but much has been accomplished already, due to the commitments of many, especially this Order’s….

The Canadian Church is grateful for your support of so many of our initiatives, such as: Salt and Light Television which is part of the New Evangelization in our country. Events such as World Youth Day 2002 and the Eucharistic Congress in 2008 are two major events in which you were involved.

Your support of vocations to the priesthood, to consecrated life and to family life, is bearing fruit in our country. We thank you particularly for your affirming support of our priests during this recent Year of the Priest. Many local councils across Canada offered prayers and support to priests at this time.

You teach us, through your work, to be faithful members of Christ’s Church. You are men of faith, men of charity, men of hope… Through your financial charity and your individual and collective actions, you are ever-present to those who need your assistance in our Church. You teach us to be Good Samaritans in our world. Your support of the sacredness of human life and the dignity of marriage and family life move us all to positive action.

In these challenging times for the Church, we count on your continued leadership at so many levels and in so many ways. We are happy that you are journeying with us in service to the Lord and His Church. May He continue to bless each of you in your working among us.  

(Bishop Pierre Morissette, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)

More Information:

Councils in the Diocese of Nelson 
District Deputies:

  • District 8 (Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos, Princeton) - Nelson Pluff, 604-614-0688, Email
  • District 9 (Lake Country, Kelowna, West Kelowna): Arnie Kouwenhoven, 250-317-1516, Email
  • District 11 (Revelstoke): Michel Saab, 250-832-5414, Email
  • District 12 (Nelson, Rossland, Trail, Castlegar, Fruitvale, Grand Forks):Kevin Kardos, 250-777-3749,  Email
  • District 13 (Creston, Kimberley, Cranbrook, Invermere, Elkford, Sparwood): Grant Brons 250-426-2934 Email


  • Penticton (Penticton) 3127
  • Father Downey (Oliver) 5126
  • Msgr. Francis L. Flynn (Osoyoos) 6474
  • St. John Vianney (Penticton) 8928
  • Princeton (Princeton) 10618
  • Father Pandosy (Kelowna) 2558
  • Father De Lestre (Kelowna) 6233
  • St. Pius X (Kelowna) 7359
  • Our Lady of Lourdes (Westbank) 8520
  • St. Charles Garnier (Kelowna) 9845
  • Holy Spirit (Kelowna) 10781
  • Nelson (Nelson) 1560
  • Rossland (Rossland) 1588
  • Msgr. Armando Maglio (Trail) 2665
  • Father Finnigan (Castlegar) 5304
  • Beaver Valley (Fruitvale) 8658
  • Bishop McCarthy (Grand Forks) 13040
  • St. Eugene (Cranbrook) 1406
  • Kimberly (Kimberly) 4821
  • Fr. Joseph Barns (Creston) 5299
  • Christ the Servant (Cranbrook) 8631
  • Friar Agnellus Pickelle (Invermere) 12416
  • St. Francis of Assisi (Revelstoke) 4712
  • Fernie (Fernie) 2206
  • Fr. Anthony OMI (Sparwood) 4455
  • St. Bernard (Elkford) 11072 

4th Degree Assemblies

District 20 District Master: Henri Mercado, 604-782-7838 Email 

0031 Father John Althoff Assembly - Trail 
0035 Father Pierre Richard Assembly - Kelowna
0036 L.H. Choquette Assembly - Nelson
0037 Fr. Regis Cragg Assembly - Fernie
0038 Pope John XXIII Assembly - Penticton
2629 Father DeLestre Assembly - Oliver/Osoyoos
2805 Monsignor A. L. McIntyre Assembly - Cranbrook
3312 Father Pandosy Assembly - Kelowna  

As for you, man of God… pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
(1 Timothy 6:11-12)

“You teach us, through your work, to be faithful members of Christ’s Church.”

(Bishop Pierre Morissette, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)